Wilder Releases Unsheltered Homelessness Report

CEO REPORT: The Wilder Foundation released its triennial study last week to better understand homelessness's prevalence in Minnesota.

One of the more alarming findings in the report is the overrepresentation of Native Americans experiencing homelessness and unsheltered homelessness.

While Native Americans make up 2% of Minnesota’s adult population, they represent 20% of the homeless population and 32% of people who were unsheltered for at least half of the month.

Other key findings from the report include:

  • Unsheltered homelessness in Minnesota has increased over the past decade - in 2023, 23 percent of the homeless population spent at least half of the previous month outside, compared to 13 percent in 2012.

  • Unsheltered women experience much higher rates of violence and exploitation than men.

  • People experiencing homelessness face profound substance use challenges, which often co-occur with mental health conditions.

  • High rates of previous incarceration create further instability for those who are unsheltered.

  • The majority of Minnesota’s unsheltered population is stuck in long-term homelessness.

As for access to healthcare, the reported noted that long-term unsheltered persons (greater than 15 days) reported significant challenges accessing medical, behavioral health and SUD services.

Sara Bolnick

Sara Bolnick is the Communications & Partnerships Director at the Minnesota Association of Community Health Centers (MNACHC).


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