HRSA Behavioral Health Expansion Grants Awarded to 5 MN CHCs!

Yesterday, HRSA announced $240 million in awards to launch and expand mental health and substance use disorder services in more than 400 health centers nationwide. The press release stated:

“These grants will help expand access to needed care to help tackle the nation’s mental health and opioid crises – two pillars of the Biden-Harris Administration’s Unity Agenda for the nation.”

Five Minnesota Health Centers received a total of $2.9 million.

Congratulations to:

  • Minnesota Community Care, Saint Paul

  • Native American Community Clinic, Minneapolis

  • Neighborhood HealthSource, Minneapolis

  • Sawtooth Mountain Clinic, Grand Marais

  • Southside Community Health Services, Minneapolis

Sara Bolnick

Sara Bolnick is the Communications & Partnerships Director at the Minnesota Association of Community Health Centers (MNACHC).

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